Kamis, 07 Desember 2017

Business Sophistication

Business Sophistication

Initially humans meet the needs of their lives by hunting forests, picking vegetables and fruit in the forest, as time goes by humans realize that their needs can not be fully fulfilled individually. Humans began to recognize the interaction of barter to meet their needs. Many things humans do to get the goods, ranging from hunting, digging the ground to get precious stones, collecting vegetables and fruits, then humans begin to learn to produce goods by farming, livestock, stone processing, and cultivate that they find in the forest.

The exchange of goods (barter) then developed into a buying and selling activity, where people get their needs through exchanging goods owned with some money. Buying and selling activities grow along with the development of the times and human needs are increasing, buying and selling not only be the activity of exchanging goods with money, but also exchange services with money.

Currently humans not only recognize the term barter and buying - selling. For the modern society the term barter and sale is old-fashioned, now they prefer to call it with business terms.

In economics, a business is an organization that sells goods or services to other organizations for profit. Historically the word business means "busy" or can be said busy doing activities and jobs that bring profits.

Initially people know the business as an activity that is only done by large companies, where business activities are activities of cooperation between large companies in order to bring greater profits.

It used to do business people need to meet in order to make transactions, talk to reach agreement and exchange money with goods or services. But now people can easily do business activities.

Modern ambition with sophisticated technology, modern society recognizes social media as a means of communicating and sharing with others, as the wise "Social media puts the distant closer." Some modern societies are aware of the great opportunities to do business through social media, they start doing business by promoting merchandise through social media, to doing business with the buying and selling of followers in social media.

Social media is used as a media campaign because it has a wide and easy to do. The more social media develops not only as a promotional media but also a place to conduct business activities, business in social media known as online business, where sellers and buyers do not need to meet to make a sale and purchase transactions.

Online business has a variety of types, ranging from opening an online store (olshop) that sells various types of goods, goods purchasing services, selling travel tickets, writing reviews about something, selling services olshop manufacture, to sell followers instagram. Social media used also vary from facebook, twitter, instagram, blog, to the web.

Online business looks very easy to do and also very promising profits, does not require a lot of funds, and has a wide reach to abroad. It looks very easy indeed but many fail to do it, many people are deceived online business, many online businesses are bankrupt, and also not a few successful online business.

In Indonesia, online business is in great demand, many online stores have sprung up and have amazing promotions. Online business competition is very tight not to mention consumers are very smart in conducting online transactions, a challenge for online business.

But in the business world, including the most important online business is not how many competitors you have but how strong a business you live. Online business is difficult but it does not mean to be a reason not to try and try, because in business he who dare to try and try who will win.

The key to success in business lies in purpose and intention, never forget that getting anything requires a great effort and is not easy, much to be sacrificed. From the first humans have learned how to survive from doing simple things in stone age, until the time in this modern era of human endeavor by using various technological sophistication.

Do not never forget about business ethics, honest, give the best service, keep innovating, never give up, and do not cheat.


Bayangmu di balik Pintu

2 Juli 2017. Malam itu saat akhirnya aku tidak melihat bayang mu di balik pintu, saat itu aku bimbang Antara perasaan bersyukur karena akhi...